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Upcoming Meetings and Workshops
- Annual Meeting in Frankfurt 30.9.24-2.10.24: Organized by Anna Kersting, Barbara Feldmeyer and Jaqueline Heckenhauer
- Scientific Writing Workshop online November 24: Organized by Anna Kersting and Brian Cusack.
DZG 2024, Stuttgart, 09-13.9.24
International Congress of Entomology in Kyoto (ICE) 25-30. 8.24
Mini-Symposium on hemimetabolous model systems 8.5.24
Python Scientific Writing 15-16.2.24
Annual Meeting in Bonn 4-6.10.23
Spirit Summer School in Göttingen 18.-22.9.23
Side Meeting- SMBE Ferrea 23.7-27.7.23
Python online Workshop 17.4-5.5.23
Workshop in Münster 16-19.3.23: Introduction to Linux/shell, git and versioning control, snake make and Transposable Elements
Side- Meeting - MEM Münster 14.3. 2023
Kick-off Meeting - Münster 7-9.9. 2022