Coordination Team Dr. Erich Bornberg-Bauer Coordinator; Professor of Molecular Evolution and Bioinformatics Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, WWU Münster Dr. Barbara Feldmeyer Deputy; PI for Molecular Ecology Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural Histroy Museum, Frankfurt Dr. Gregor Bucher Professor of Developmental Evolutionary Genetics Universität Göttingen Dr. Lars Podsiadlowski Acting head of Centre of Biodiversity Research (zmb) LIB Bonn, University Bonn Dr. Eckart Stolle Group leader Comparative Genomics of Insects LIB Bonn, University Bonn Dr. Anna Kersting Project support Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, WWU Münster Programme Members (PI) Dr. Peter Biedermann Professor of Forest Entomology and Protection University of Freiburg Dr. Jan Buellesbach PI in the Molecular Evolution and Sociobiology Group Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, WWU Münster Dr. Ana Catalan PI in the Evolutionary and Functional Genomics group Department of Biology, LMU München Dr. Mathilde Cordellier Professor in the Department of Population Genetics Institute of Biology and Genetics, University of Rostock Dr. Thomas Joseph Colgan Junior Professor of Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics of Social Insects Behavioural Ecology and Social Evolution, JGU Mainz Dr. Pete Czuppon PI for Theoretical Biology Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, WWU Münster Dr. Vincent Doublet PI in Disease Ecology Institute of Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Genomics, University of Ulm Dr. Mark Harrison PI in the group Molecular Evolution and Bioinformatics Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, WWU Münster Dr. Jaqueline Heckenhauer PI at LOEWE Centre for Translational Biodiversity Genomics Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural Histroy Museum, Frankfurt Dr. Sebastian Höhna PI in the Palaeontology and Geobiology group Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, LMU München Dr. Ann Kathrin Huylmans Junior Professor of Evolutionary Genomics Institute for Organismic and Molecular Evolution, JGU Mainz Dr. Joachim Kurtz Professor of Animal Evolutionary Ecology Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, WWU Münster Dr. Mark Lammers PI in the Molecular Evolution and Sociobiology Group Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, WWU Münster Dr. Steffen Lemke Professor Zoology Department of Zoology, University Hohenheim Dr. Wojciech Makalowski Professor of Bioinformatics University Clinics Münster Dr. Dino McMahon Professor of host-parasite Evolution and Ecology Institute of Biology-Zoology, Freie Universität Berlin Dr. Florian Menzel PD of Ecology of Behaviour and Social Evolution Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolution, JGU Mainz Dr. Volker Nehring Assistant Professor of Ecology, Behaviour, Evolution Department for Ecology and Evolution, University of Freiburg Dr. Oliver Niehuis Professor of Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity Institute of Biology, ALU Freiburg Dr. Katja Nowick Professor of Human Biology Institute of Biology-Zoology, Freie Universität Berlin Dr. John Parsch Professor of Evolutionary and Functional Genomics Department Biology, LMU München Dr. Robert Paxton Professor of General Zoology Department of Zoology, MLU Halle Dr. Matthias Pechmann PI in the Department of Developmental Biology Institute of Zoology, Cologne Biocenter Dr. Nico Posnien PI for Micro-Evo-Devo, Genomics, Morphological Evolution Dept. of Developmental Biology, University Göttingen Dr. Nikola-Michael Prpic-Schäper Professor of Development, Diversity, Evolution of Animals Institute for Zoology and Develop. Biology, JLU Giessen Dr. Sonja Prohaska Professor of Computational EvoDevo Centre for Bioinformatics, University of Leipzig Dr. Manuela Sann PI in the Molecular Evolution and Biodiversity Group Institute for Biology, University of Hohenheim Dr. Thomas Schmitt Professor of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology, Universtiy of Würzburg Dr. Lukas Schrader PI in the Molecular Evolution and Sociobiology Group Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, WWU Münster Dr. Antonella Soro PI in the Zoology group Department of Zoology, MLU Halle Dr. Peter Stadler Professor of Bioinformatics Centre for Bioinformatics, University of Leipzig Dr. Mario Stanke Professor of Bioinformatics Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Greifswald Dr. Sandra Steiger Professor for Evolutionary Animal Ecology Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences, University of Bayreuth Dr. Natascha Turetzek (Zhang) PI for arthropod Evo Devo Evolutionary Ecology, Biocenter, LMU München Dr. Lena Wilfert Professor of Functional Biodiversity Institute of Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Genomics, University of Ulm Dr. Benjamin Wipfler Scientific Leader of the Morphology Laboratories LIB Bonn Programme Members Dr. Ruth Archer PostDoc in Evolutionary Ecology Institute of Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Genomics, University of Ulm Dr. Elias Dohmen PostDoc in Molecular Evolution and Bioinformatics Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, WWU Münster Dr. Amanda Glaser-Schmitt PostDoc in Evolutionary and Functional Genomics Department Biology, LMU München Morteza Bajgiran PhD student in Evolutionary Ecology Institute of Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Genomics, University of Ulm Haoqing Du PhD student in the Palaeontology and Geobiology group Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, LMU München Duğçar Ebrar Erdoğan PhD student in Micro-Evo-Devo, Genomics, Morphological Evolution Dept. of Developmental Biology, University Göttingen Xuejing Hu PhD student in Comparative Genomics of Insects LIB Bonn, University Bonn Elisa Israel PhD student in Computational EvoDevo Centre for Bioinformatics, University of Leipzig Mara Julseth PhD student in host-parasite Evolution and Ecology Institute of Biology-Zoology, Freie Universität Berlin Karl Käther PhD student in Bioinformatics Centre for Bioinformatics, University of Leipzig Shadi Karimifard PhD Student in Ecology of Behaviour and Social Evolution Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolution, JGU Mainz Mozhgan Khodadadi PhD student in Generall Zoology Department of Zoology, MLU Halle Zoe Marie Länger PhD student in Animal Evolutionary Ecology Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, WWU Münster Marie Lebherz PhD student in Molecular Evolution and Bioinformatics Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, WWU Münster Luisa Linke PhD student in Disease Ecology Institute of Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Genomics, University of Ulm Ruth Moraa PhD student in Evolutionary Genomics Institute for Organismic and Molecular Evolution, JGU Mainz Chetan Munegowda PhD student in Development, Diversity and Evolution of Animals Institute for Zoology and Developmental Biology, JLU Giessen Adekanmi Daniel Omole PhD student in Theoretical Biology Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, WWU Münster Lena Reim PhD student in Developmental Evolutionary Genetics Universität Göttingen Ronja Reinisch PhD student in the Molecular Evolution and Biodiversity Group Institute for Biology, University of Hohenheim Andreas Remmel PhD student in Evolution of Morphogenese Centre for Organismal Studies, University Heidelberg Sarah Rinke PhD student in Molecular Evolution and Bioinformatics Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, WWU Münster Matias Rodriguez PhD student in Bioinformatics Institute of Bioinformatics, University of Münster Julius Rombach PhD Student in Ecology, Behaviour, Evolution Department for Ecology and Evolution, University of Freiburg Stepan Saenko PhD Student in Bioinformatics Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Greifswald Melanie Sarfert PhD Student in Human Biology Institute of Biology-Zoology, Freie Universität Berlin Fabian Schweitzer PhD Student in Ecology, Behaviour, Evolution Department for Ecology and Evolution, University of Freiburg Janina Rinke PhD student in the Molecular Evolution and Sociobiology Group Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, WWU Münster